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SMART Introduction

S'FD is dreaming of social and a Happy Korea.

S'FD Dreams of World that gets Warmer by Sharing

We will be together so that everyone can have a happy dream.

  • Delivering Hope Sharing Donation to Child welfare specialist institution, Childfund Korea foundation
  • Campaign to share school uniforms with various organizations
  • Supporting independence of the homeless with social enterprise corporation Dohands
  • School uniforms and school supplies for economically difficult students
  • Donation of SMART school uniform to Yeonpyeongdo Island middle school / high school student
  • Clothing support for various sharing events
  • Rainbow musicians and concert sponsors

Sharing uniforms to students in Ulleung-do

Donation of school uniform for Jirisan High School

Donation of school uniform for teenagers in Ulleungdo Island

Donation of school uniform for Yeonpyeongdo Island

Donation of school uniform for teenagers in Ulleungdo Island