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Smart Introduction

S'FD is dreaming of social and a Happy Korea.

S'FD Dreams of World that gets Warmer by Sharing

We will continue to support for everyone in the world.

  • Donated of 83,000 school uniforms to Nepal and Bangladesh
  • Supporting school uniform to Mongol in 3 billion won
  • Donated 4 billion won in school uniforms in
    Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia
  • Donated 1.6 billion of international relief materials through the Korean Red Cross
  • Donated school uniforms to the Vietnam Red Cross and the Korean International Hunger Action Agency
  • 1 billion worth of clothing for Myanmar flood victims

Sponsor overseas school uniform support business

Delivering Hope Sharing fund to Children’s Foundation with Childfund Co

Sponsor Nepal school uniform

Sponsor supporting Tajikistan school uniforms

  • 페이스북
  • 카카오 스토리
  • 유튜브
  • 네이버 블로그
  • 인스타그램